I’m Diogo aka SirNugg3ts and a few other names. I’m a man of many names basically. Born in the beautiful country of Switzerland and living in Portugal at the moment, I’m a trilingual bastard spending his time on the computer.
I’m a Computer Engineering Student living in the student’s city of Coimbra, Portugal. Very connected to our tradition (especially Praxe) and definitely not struggling to finish my god damn degree.
My time is mostly filled with my degree and trying to learn new technologies and skills, since I’m kind of a frankenstein and I try a lot of new stuff regularly, usually breaking my PC in the process which means it usually doesn’t live a lot before a format everything back to zero 😛
I also stream when I have the time on Twitch and try to keep our GitHub somewhat clean from duplicated reports.
If you are interested in my programming skills check out my Github Page or my LinkedIn page for a more professional view of what I’m doing with my life ^^
I also do a lot of shitposting online, but ignore that part