fiwalld is stop
I confirmed that port 7777 27015 27016 was open.
The server is on IDC and has a static IP.
What could be the problem?
[root@Web1 Logs]# cat Longvinter.log
[2023.03.05-02.31.59:657][377]LogEOS: Error: UpdateSession: Successfully updated session ‘[KR/24H] 유령토끼 서버 #PVE #방콕 #24시’ with ID ‘faa008e051a9415782e8c3dc48297f7b’
[2023.03.05-02.32.23:393][ 88]LogEOS: Verbose: [LogEOSAnalytics] Record Event: EOSSDK.HTTP.Complete <Redacted>
[2023.03.05-02.32.29:536][272]LogEOS: Verbose: [LogEOSAnalytics] Record Event: EOSSDK.HTTP.Complete <Redacted>
[2023.03.05-02.32.29:605][274]LogEOS: Error: UpdateSession: Successfully updated session ‘[KR/24H] 유령토끼 서버 #PVE #방콕 #24시’ with ID ‘faa008e051a9415782e8c3dc48297f7b’
[2023.03.05-02.32.53:105][978]LogEOS: Verbose: [LogEOSAnalytics] Record Event: AntiCheatServer.ActiveSession <Redacted>
[2023.03.05-02.32.53:105][978]LogEOS: Verbose: [LogEOSAnalytics] Record Event: AntiCheatServer.ActiveSession <Redacted>
[2023.03.05-02.32.53:406][987]LogEOS: Verbose: [LogEOSAnalytics] Record Event: EOSSDK.HTTP.Complete <Redacted>
[2023.03.05-02.32.59:550][171]LogEOS: Verbose: [LogEOSAnalytics] Record Event: EOSSDK.HTTP.Complete <Redacted>
[2023.03.05-02.32.59:618][173]LogEOS: Error: UpdateSession: Successfully updated session ‘[KR/24H] 유령토끼 서버 #PVE #방콕 #24시’ with ID ‘faa008e051a9415782e8c3dc48297f7b’
[2023.03.05-02.32.59:618][173]LogEOS: Verbose: [LogEOSAnalytics] Record Event: UsageMetric <Redacted>
[2023.03.05-02.33.23:416][886]LogEOS: Verbose: [LogEOSAnalytics] Record Event: EOSSDK.HTTP.Complete <Redacted>
[2023.03.05-02.33.29:560][ 70]LogEOS: Verbose: [LogEOSAnalytics] Record Event: EOSSDK.HTTP.Complete <Redacted>
[2023.03.05-02.33.29:627][ 72]LogEOS: Error: UpdateSession: Successfully updated session ‘[KR/24H] 유령토끼 서버 #PVE #방콕 #24시’ with ID ‘faa008e051a9415782e8c3dc48297f7b’
[root@Web1 Logs]# iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
[root@Web1 Logs]# ifconfig
enp39s0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadcast
ether 00:d8:61:a2:e7:67 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
RX packets 24762 bytes 1743468 (1.6 MiB)
RX errors 0 dropped 856 overruns 0 frame 0
TX packets 1828 bytes 632351 (617.5 KiB)
TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0