Hey all!
Name’s Gonçalo, or as most people know me, Young Owl. I’m from Aveiro, Portugal 🇵🇹, or as some like to call it, the Portuguese Venice, where the wind has a passive buff that increases it’s overall speed by probably 2x the normal!
I’m currently struggling trying to finish my Masters degree, hoping to be an Electronics and Telecommunications Engineer by the end of my course. Despite all struggles and frustrations, I’m enjoying my time here, especially when I’m surrounded with great friends.
Probably my friends see me as the “nerdy” guy, and I wouldn’t be bad about it. I mean, they are mostly right since I do spend most of my time around my computer and electronic devices. Ever since I joined a group related to Robotics at my University, I’ve been expanding my knowledge while also gaining the courage and the curiosity to do my own small projects at home. My 3D Printer as been my buddy ever since I got it and it has helped me greatly with the projects I’ve been doing, it has around 9 months and since I enjoy these kinds of things I end up looking at it working for a few minutes before actually realizing I have better things to do. 😅
You can find me most of the times in Discord, either studying or playing, being it a relaxing game like Minecraft or Longvinter, or a more intense one! I enjoy 3D Modeling, Arts, Design and Programming.
Thought I would introduce myself in this community before actually helping or even post anything at all! It will be my first time in these type of forums, but I’ll do my best to help and hopefully make part of this awesome community and game!